Friday, April 30, 2010

30 April Advanced Core (Objective: Strength & Power)

Planche 3 min

Lever 1 min total

KB Planche Pushups & Dips 5
(Do pushups on KB and in one motion swing to an L-sit and do dips)

Muscleups 5
Turkish Situps (4 sec down) 5 l/r

Weighted Pull ups 5
Dbl Sots Press 5

Dbl KB Windmills
Russian Twists w/ KB 25

30 Core Conditioning (Objective: Strength & Power)


Squats 10
Burpees 5

Pull ups 5
Circle Pushups 5 l/r
Russian Twists 20

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

28 April Advanced Core (Objective: Strength & Power)

Planche (5 minutes)

Lever (1 min )

Pullups 10 - 20

(10 minutes)
KB swings (med) 30
Saxon Stretch 5 l/r

Clean & Mil Press (hvy) 3-5 l/r
Weighted Crunch Pulls 3-5
(use enough weight to be one short of failure)

Marine Pushup (Extended Planche) 5 (20 sec)
Sideups 5 l/r

28 Core Conditioning (Objective: Strength & Power)


10 minutes
Clapping Pushups 5
TurkIsh Sit ups 3-5 L/R
Airborne Pistols 3-5 L/R

Barwork Supercircuit (5X):

Bar work followed by 5 Horizontal Pulls:
Knee Ups 5-8
Straight Leg Extensions 5-8
Jumping Jacks 5-8 L/R
L-Sits L/C/R 5 sec

Monday, April 26, 2010

26 April Advanced Core (Objective: Strength & Power)

Planche Progressions 1 min total
Handstand 1 min total
Lever 1 min total

Muscle ups 5
Straight Leg Raises 5
(slow and controlled down)
One Hand Pushups 5 l/r
Pistols 5 l/r

26 Core Conditioning (Objective: Strength & Power)

Lateral Hip Dips 20 l/r

Pull ups 5 sec negatives 5
Plyometric Pushups 5
Turkish Situp ) 5 l/r
(4 sec return to ground
Tiger Pushup 5
Airborne squats 5 l/r

Friday, April 23, 2010

23 April Advanced Core (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

Planche 3 min

Lever 1 min total

Pushups 10
Reach Through 30
Dips 10
Bicycles 30
Pull-ups 10
Hip Dips(from Bench) 30 l/r
Lunges 10 l/r
Oblique Crunches 30 l/r

23 April Core Conditioning (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

Mini Leg Blasters 3X
Squats 10
Lunges 10 (each leg)
Jumping Lunges 10 (each leg)
Jumping squats 5

T- Pushups 10
Reach Through 30
Dips 10
Bicycles 30
Horiztonal Pull-ups 10
Heel Touches 30 (15 l/r)
Horizontal Pull-ups 10
Oblique Crunches 30 (15 l/r)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

21 April Advanced Core (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

Ball Planche (2 minutes)

Ball Pass 10
Ball Twist 5 L/R
Ball Pushups 20

KB Snatches 100
Pump Stretch 5

3X – Bar work
Switches 10
Side ups 5 l/r
Triangle Pullups 5 l/r
Straight Leg Extensions 10

21 April Core Conditioning (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)


Meat Grinder:
1-15-1 pushup/ab pyramid. 10 squats each set. (1 pushup, 1 ab, 10 squats; 2 pushups, 3 abs, 10 squats….)

Supersets (x2): Bar work/Horizontal Pulls (5-10):
Knee Ups 15-25
Straight Leg Extensions 15-25
Jumping Jacks 15-25 L/R
L-Sits L/C/R 5 sec

Monday, April 19, 2010

19 April Advanced Core (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

(3 minutes)

Planche Pushups 25
Russian Twists 50

Lever 1 min

T-Pushups w/light weight 10 l/r
Milkman Carry 8 Laps
Triangle Pullups 6 l/r
Horiz. Scissor Straight Leg Raise 4
Vert. Scissor Straight Leg Raise 2

19 April Core Conditioning (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

5X (No Rest!)
Horizontal Pull-ups 5-10
T-Pushups 10
Crunches 10 x 5 sec hold
Dips 10
Jumping jacks :30 sec

Double stair jump 4x

Crunches 25
Rev Crunches 25
FullBody Ext. 25
Russian Twists 25

Friday, April 16, 2010

16 April Advanced Core (Objective: Stability & Conditioning)

Mini Leg Blasters 3X
Squats 10
Lunges 10 (each leg)
Jumping Lunges 10 (each leg)
Jumping squats 5

Dips 15
Reach Throughs 25
Pushups 25
Bicycles 25
Flutter Kicks 25
Pull-ups 15

16 April Core Conditioning (Objective: Stability & Conditioning)

Mini Leg Blasters 3X
Squats 10
Lunges 10 (each leg)
Jumping Lunges 10 (each leg)
Jumping squats 5

Bicycles 30
Reach Throughs 25
Pushups 20
Dips 15
Pull-ups 5

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

14 April Advanced Core (Objective: Stability & Conditioning)

(3 minutes)
Ball Planche

(5 min)
Ball Pass 10
Ball Twist 5 L/R
Ball Pushups 20

(15 minutes)
High Pulls 10 L/R
Snatch 10 l/R
Lunges (forward / lateral) 5/5
Pullups Max set

1 leg Clean & Press 10 L/R Pull up to Straight Leg Raise 3-5

14 April Core Conditioning (Objective: Stability & Conditioning)


10 min XFit:
7 Pushups
7 Crunches
10 Deep Squats

Pullups: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Chinups: 6,5,4,3,2,1

Kickboxer I (Heel to Butt) 25
Kickboxer II(90degree) 25
Kickboxer III (Straight leg) 25

Monday, April 12, 2010

12 April Advanced Core (Objective: Stability & Conditioning)

(3 minutes)

(1 minute total)

One Legged KB deadlift 10 l/r
Kick Throughs 10
Tiger or HSPU 10
Pullups 10
Planche Pushups 10

12 April Core Conditioning (Objective: Stability & Conditioning)

5X (No Rest!)
Pull-ups 5-10
Pushups 10-20
Dips 10
Stairs skip step 4x

Full Extension Crunch 25
Ankle Touches 25
Bicycles 25
Russian Twists 25

Friday, April 9, 2010

9 April Advanced Core (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

Planche 5 Minutes

1 Pullups/2 Pushups/3 Squats

Reach Through 10
Dbl KB Sots Press 10
Ankle Touches 10 (l/r)
Dbl KB squat & press 10

9 April Core Conditioning (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

Planche 5 Minutes

1 Pullups/2 Pushups/3 Squats
(use assists / knee pushups if necessary)

Alligator Crawl 10
Lunge walk 20 l/r
Russian Twist 30 l/r

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

7 April Advanced Core (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

(10 minutes)
Wall Squats (face wall) 25
Halos 10 L/R
Pump Stretch 5

(15 minutes)
KB Complex
-Figure 8 5
-Figure 8 & catch 5
- Swing 10
- Snatch 10
Easy Stairs (Active Recovery) 4

(5 Minutes)
Turkish Get-Ups

Pyramid 1-5-1
(Divebombers X 1 / Pull-up (w/Weight) X 2)

Bear crawls - Stairs 3 total

7 April Core Conditioning (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

Planche 5 minutes

Pyramids: 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1
Pullups/Dips x 2/Lunges x 2 (l/r)

Reach throughs 20
Pushups 10
Ankle Touches 20
Pushups 10
V-sits 10
Tiger Push-ups 5
Rest 1 min

Monday, April 5, 2010

5 April Advanced Core (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

(3 minutes)

(1 minute total)

Milkman Carry 8 Laps
Tiger or HSPU 10
Pullups 10
Straight Leg Raises 5
1 Leg KB press 10 l/r

5 April Core Conditioning (Objective: Stabilization & Conditioning)

Planche 5 Minutes

1 Pullups/2 Pushups/3 Squats
(use assists / knee pushups if necessary)

Crunch 10
Pushups 10
Rev. Crunches 10
Lunges 10 (each leg)
*Hold crunches for 10 sec.

Friday, April 2, 2010

2 April Advanced Core (Objective: Overall Conditioning)

(3 minutes)

(1 minute total)

Planche Pushups 25
Bicycles 25 l/r

Pullups 8-12
Lateral Squats 10 l/r

Pushups 100
Ab of choise 100

2 April Core Conditioning (Objective: Overall Conditioning)

Planche 5 Minutes

1 Pullups/2 Pushups/3 Squats
(use assists / knee pushups if necessary)

Reach Through 10
Tiger Push 10
Ankle Touches 10 (l/r)
Goblet squats 10 35# / 55#