Wednesday, August 31, 2011

31 August (Obj: Overall Gorilla Strength)

Movement # of Reps Optional
1) Set One
Pull Ups 15 L-Sit
Push Ups 20
Crunches – Full Ext. 25
One Leg Squats 15 (Each leg)

2) Set Two
Curl Ups Wide Grip 15 L-Sit
Push Ups One Arm 10 (knife edge if one arm is too much)
V-Sits 25
Squats w/45# 30

3) Set Three
Pull Ups Closed Grip 15 L-Sit
Push Ups Clap 20
Rockers 25
Squat Thrusts 30

4) Set Four
Switches PU/CU 8
Push Ups Circle 10 (each arm)
Side Dips 25 (each side)
Squat Jumps 30

5) Set Five
Curl Ups Closed Grip 15 L-Sit
Push Ups - Tiger 10
Bridges 25
Burpees 30

6) Set Six
Pull Ups Wide Grip 15 L-Sit
Push Ups Diamond 20
Wipers (floor) 25 (both ways)
Prisoner Squats 30

7) Set Seven
Curl Ups (Slow) 15 L-Sit
Push Ups Wide 20
Back Extension

Friday, August 26, 2011

26 August Combined Core (Obj: Strength)

Pistols or Airborne Squats 3-5 l/r
Weighted Dips (hvy) 3-5
Windshield Wipers 3-5
Weighted Pullup 3-5

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

24 August Combined Core (Obj: Strength)

Warm up & Planche 15 min total

1 Leg KB mil press 8-10
3pt Straight Leg Raise 3
Dbl KB Front Squat 8-10
Castle Pushups
(Pleasant Spanish) 8-10 total
Milkman Carry 4 Laps

Monday, August 22, 2011

22 August Combined Core (Obj: Strength)

Be sure to warm up well

Walking Tactical Lunges (30 sec)
Dips (30 sec)
Windshield Wipers (30 sec)
Sumo Thrusters (30 sec)
Russian Twist & Press (30 sec)
Alternating Swings (30 sec)

Friday, August 19, 2011

19 August Combined Core (Objective: Strength)

warm up

6 Rounds.
- One Leg Romanian Deadlift (30 sec)
- Bridge Press Alternating (30 sec)
- Windmill (30 sec)
- Bent Over Row (30 sec)
- Split Stance Lift Up (30 sec)
- Clean (30 sec)
- Rest 1 minute

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

17 August Combined Core (Objective: Strength)

warm up

6 Rounds.
- Rear Lunge tri Extension (30 sec)
- Bridge Press Double HMR (30 sec)
- Windmill (30 sec)
- Incline Row (30 sec)
- Lunge Twist Press (30 sec – L one round, R the next)
- Push Press (30 sec)
- Rest 1 minute

Monday, August 15, 2011

15 August Combined Core (Objective: Strength)

Warm up (Make sure all major joints & muscle groups are warm) 6- 10 minutes

Walking Tactical Lunges (30 sec)
Dips (30 sec)
Sumo Thrusters (30 sec)
Russian Twist & Press (30 sec)
Alternating Swings (30 sec)

Pullups 50

Friday, August 12, 2011

12 August Combined Core (Obj: Strength)

Warm up: 6 minutes

6 Rounds
- Rear Lunge tri Extension (30 sec)*
- Bridge Press Double HMR (30 sec)**
- Windmill (30 sec)
- Incline Row (30 sec)***
- Lunge Twist Press (30 sec – L one round, R the next)****
- Push Press (30 sec)
- Rest 1 minute

Frenchies 1-3
2 min rest

*Start in beginning lunge position, dumbells in racked position. Rear lunge. As you step back lean forward to nearly a 45degree. As you lean forward lower the dumbells until the arms are straight - arms should follow the same line as the body. Curl as you come out of the lunge.

**Bridge position - double press. Bring dumbbells up, palms out. Towards the top turn palms towards each other and bring dumbbells together. Reverse on the way down.

***Like a bent over row but at about a 45 degree angle.

****As you lunge forward - twist and press over your opposite shoulder. (Like a standing twist press but with the lunge.)

Friday, August 5, 2011

5 August Combined Core (Obj: Strength)

warm up

6X - 30 sec each movement.

Elephant Walk
Squat Thrusts
V-Up Legs w/ Push
Shin Squat Switch
Knee Push
Knee U
Rest 1 minute

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

3 August Combined Core (Obj: Strength)

Warm Up

Walking Tactical Lunges (30 sec)
Dips (30 sec)
Windshield Wipers (30 sec)
Sumo Thrusters (30 sec)
Russian Twist & Press (30 sec)
Alternating Swings (30 sec)

Pullup Ladders 2X

Monday, August 1, 2011

1 August Combined Core (Obj: Strength)

Warm Up

Choosing weights or intensity for all exercises: On a scale from 1(easy) - to 10 (Hardest) you should be working in the 8 - 10 range.

6 Rounds.
- Front Lunge Curl (30 sec - switch legs)
- Bridge Double Overhead Press (30 sec)
- Saxon Side Bend (30 sec)
- Upright Row (30 sec)
- Standing Twist Press (30 sec - left one round, right the other)
- Swings (30 sec)
- Rest 1 minute

Pullups: 6 sets of 3 - 5.
(If you need assistance do 3- 5 sec negatives. If they are easy add weight)